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Kids and Youth

Sunday School

Helping our students learn more about the love of Christ is our mission here at the Greenstone United Methodist Church. To accomplish this our team of dedicated and passionate volunteers work to inspire and motivate youngsters to engage spirituality with Jesus and understand the importance of having a relationship with Him. Greenstone Kids is a fun safe place for children aged pre-k to 12th grade. Join us at 10AM for a time of fun, fellowship, and worship!
Register Here

Youth Ministry

Our youth group meets at our church every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:30 with trips and events scattered throughout the year. A typical night at youth group involves games (such as ultimate Frisbee, kick ball, SPUD, etc), snacks, prayer, and time in the word followed by a relevant message. We are a growing group that greatly enjoys the community that we have created for ourselves at Greenstone.

If you are a student between 7th and 12th grade come check us out!

Vacation Bible School

The second week of August, all children of the community in preschool through grade 6 are invited to VBS. This is a fun, hands-on, engaging one week program that takes place in the evenings. Children will be a part of Bible study, praise, singing, prayer, snack, games, experiments and crafts. It is completely free to attend. Youth grades 7-12 and adults are invited to be volunteers. 


Small Groups

At Greenstone United Methodist Church we strongly believe that we were born to be in community. We are always looking for ways to not only be together but also strengthen our relationship with Jesus. Small groups are a great way to be in community with like-minded people who have the same goal!

Currently, we have small groups meeting on Monday and Sunday nights. If you would like more information on our current small group ministries or you want to start your own small group, please contact us at (908) 689-0105.

Bible Study

We host bible studies seasonally with a one for the lenten season and another for the advent season. In between, we have thematic discussions inspired by Christian life and love. For the upcoming year, we will be focusing on diving deeper into each book of the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament.