Get Involved


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is a four-part harmony choir comprised of folks from high school age and older, who provide music and lead worship for our 9:00 AM service throughout the school year. Chancel Choir meets to rehearse on Thursdays from 7:00PM–8:30PM and Sunday mornings prior to worship at 8:15AM in the choir room.

New members high school age and older are always welcome and encouraged. There is no audition process and ability to read music is helpful but not required.

Handbell Choir

Our Greenstone Ringers handbell choir offers a variety of handbell music.  We perform at least quarterly and at special occasions and services throughout the Christian calendar. The handbell choir rehearses on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays of the month following Sunday School, 10:45am.

New members, high school age and older are always welcome and encouraged. Ability to read music is helpful but not required.

Special Music

We welcome and encourage special music (i.e., piano, vocal, instrumental) in our worship services! If you have the desire and are led to provide music either as a soloist or a group, please speak with Rich anytime or contact him via email ( or by phone at (973) 713-1804.


Food Pantry

You can donate as often as you wish. Donations may be placed in four areas: baskets located in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, in the cooler by the back door of the education building or dropped off at the church office between 10AM and 1PM.

You can also make a monetary donation to the food pantry and we will do the shopping or you! Either mail a check to the church address or drop your donation in the offering plate with your name on it on Sunday.

Thrift Store

You won’t want to miss this thrift store. There are 4 rooms full of gently used men's, women’s, and children's clothes and accessories. We also have houseware, such as plates, silverware, and blankets!

Hours: Saturdays, 10:00am - 1:00pm

Donations are accepted by appointment. Please contact us at (908) 689-0105 for more information.